Modna fotografija

Fotografije, ki sem jih izdelala pri predmetu likovne umetnosti pod naslovom modna fotografija. Nekaj le teh je objavljenih tudi na šolski spletni rastavi. Več: Avtorica fotografij: Kaja Kalan [Show as...

Report on a mine tour by bicycle

On Thursday (the third of September 2020), my class and a few teachers went on a field trip to Peca – residential centre. The aim of this report is to provide a description of our cycling experience through an abandoned mine as well as to present my opinion of it....

COVID-19 effects on school

REPORT on the effects of COVID-19 on the school system The aim of this report is to provide my personal evaluation of online learning, focusing on the positive and negative effects. The information is based on my personal experience of online learning at our school....

Report on our field trip

The aim of this report is to provide information and description about our four-day field trip to Peca in September. The main idea of the field trip was to get involved in outside activities and additional classes, as well as building connections within a class....