Report on a mine tour by bicycle

On Thursday (the third of September 2020), my class and a few teachers went on a field trip to Peca – residential centre. The aim of this report is to provide a description of our cycling experience through an abandoned mine as well as to present my opinion of it....


Spodaj so prikazane večinoma zimske ter tudi spomladanske fotografije krajine (Vogel, Hruščanska planina, Savske jame,…). Fotografirane so bile v času od decembra 2020 do marca 2021. Avtorica fotografij: Pia Murnik [Show as slideshow] 1 2...

Stress in school

Most students are under a large amount of stress every day. Stress can affect their mental health, sleep patterns, happiness, diet, grades and more. Some students even fall into depression because of it. In part due to the pandemic, stress levels have recently...